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Category Archives: diário
Game Design Journal por Lefkos Savvides
O “Game Design Journal por Lefkos Savvides” trata-se de um journal em formato de audio para se ouvir falar de design de videojogos. +infos(oficial):
Greening Games
Existe um grupo de investigação intitulado “Greening Games” que se dedica a debruçar sobre questões de sustentabilidade e o mundo dos videojogos. +infos(oficial):
chamada de trabalhos para a Acta Ludologica (Vol. 6, No. 1, 2023)
“Acta Ludologica (ISSN 2585-8599, e-ISSN 2585-9218) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice a year in both online and print versions. It focuses on the comprehensive discourse of games and digital games, including theoretical and empirical studies, research results, … Continue reading
Fifty Key Video Games, o livro
Gostava de ter acesso a este livro “Fifty Key Video Games” editado por Bernard Perron, Kelly Boudreau, Mark J.P. Wolf, Dominic Arsenault Do conteúdo consta: “This volume examines fifty of the most important video games that have contributed significantly to … Continue reading
SMARTPLS: video tutoriais
ando há bastante tempo para voltar a pegar no SMARTPLS .. e recebi hoje uma sugestão de ver um vídeo sobre o assunto e gostei. O canal chama-se “Research With Fawad” e tem vários tipos de temas acerca do tema … Continue reading
Zettelkasten e o slip-box method e o sw Obsidian
How to take notes for research: the slip-box method Understanding note-taking – Zettelkasten e com ajuda de software: Obsidian for Beginners: Start HERE — How to Use the Obsidian App for Notes (1/6) Obsidian for Beginners: 6 Keys … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso a este artigo: “Do Real-Time Strategy Video Gamers Have Better Attentional Control?” Objective Do real-time strategy (RTS) video gamers have better attentional control? To examine this issue, we tested experienced versus inexperienced RTS video gamers on … Continue reading
ACM Games Review: Research and Practice
“New ACM Journal to Cover Games and Gaming Forthcoming in 2020, the ACM Games Review: Research and Practice will be a research and practice journal that publishes and publicizes major scientifically rigorous and practically useful research related to games. The … Continue reading
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