ATEE Conference 2016: Educating the Best Teachers: a challenge for Teacher Education
22- 24 August 2016 – Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The 41st Annual ATEE Conference focuses on the important task of teacher education to educate the best teachers, teachers who are able to stimulate the cognitive and personal development of pupils, teachers who are innovative and able to develop themselves continuously. What this means for teacher education is the central focus of this conference.
The conference theme will be dealt with in three subthemes:
1. Innovation
Teacher educators should be innovative professionals using or conducting research in order to continuously improve education. How can teacher (educator) research support the innovation of (teacher) education?
2. Professional roles of teacher educators
Teacher educators fulfil a lot of different roles. Do teacher educators recognise these roles and how do they value them?
3. School-based teacher education
Learning during the practicum is often left to chance and a conceptual framework for this type of learning is missing. What kind of educational arrangements help to widen and deepen learning at the workplace?
Characteristics of the conference
At the conference interaction and exchange between participants will be encouraged by means of active presentation formats and a variety of meetings. Key-notes will be discussed in smaller groups, possibilities will be created to meet other conference participants, speed dates will be held to find international sparring partners and collaboration will be stimulated.
Research and Development Communities (RDC’s) play an important role in ATEE conferences. There are fifteen RDC’s dealing with all kinds of interesting subjects linked with teacher education like secondary teacher education or global education. At the conference RDC’s will be offering a programme of three meetings. They can be seen as a ‘home base’ where you can meet colleagues interested in the same subjects.
In this conference, we aim to bridge theory and practice in order to increase the impact of research on the practice of teacher education. To do so, we want to encourage active exchange and interaction between the participants of the conference, who bring with them so many interesting points of view. Therefore, various presentation forms are scheduled in the programme, which all aim to secure in-depth discussions and a high level of interaction.
Submission of abstracts
You are invited to submit an abstract for an:
Interactive paper presentation (individual or symposium; empirical or theoretical);
Interactive poster presentation (ongoing or finished research);
Active workshop (good practice, intervention, new game, tool or methodology);
Interactive round table discussion (discussing ongoing research).
Authors may not submit more than two abstracts as first author.
The deadline for submissions of proposal is 29 February 2016.
All abstracts must be submitted using the online submission system on the congress website
Please fill out all mandatory contact details and the general questions related to your submission and follow the steps in the online abstract submission form.
Shortly hereafter, you should receive a confirmation mail of your submission.
Submission of abstracts is limited to two abstracts per presenting author. It is assumed that the first author will be the presenter.
Review process
The RDC chairs will review all abstracts submitted on time, within the specified format. The organising committee reserves the right to reject any abstract for failure to comply with the submission guidelines mentioned above.
Each abstract will be reviewed against the following criteria:
• Relevance of the topic to the ATEE annual conference theme or sub-theme and relevance to one of the ATEE’s RDC’s;
• Significance for educational practice, policy or theory in teacher education;
• Originality, quality and clarity of research and/or focus of enquiry;
• Planned interacting during the meeting.
Notification of acceptance
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission by e-mail no later than 15 April 2016. The abstracts will be definitely accepted once the applicant officially confirms by registration as participant.
Registration and participation
Submitting an abstract for presentation does not constitute registration for the conference. Participants attending the conference are required to register and pay the registration fee. This includes all accepted presenting authors, co-authors, session chairs and discussant.
Online registration will be open on the conference website
Accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of the participant.