Coimbra Business Review

Coimbra Business Review
ISSN 2183-3915 (Printed version)
ISSN 2183-7058 (Online version)

It is a pleasure to announce the release of the inaugural issue of the Coimbra Business Review (CBR) journal.

The CBR is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on business sciences, in a multidisciplinary perspective. It intends to be a platform for researchers and practitioners to promote, share and discuss innovative issues and developments in different areas of business sciences.

The first number of CBR is available electronically (in PDF format) at Please visit the web address to explore the journal and sign up to receive the contents alerts by email.

We hope that you enjoy reading this first issue of CBR. As editors we welcome all your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us through the email addresses provided in

For more information about the CBR journal, please visit the website

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