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Understanding Interactive Digital Narrative Immersive Expressions for a Complex Time” de Hartmut Koenitz
onde consta..
“This remarkably clearly written and timely critical evaluation of core issues in the study and application of interactive digital narrative (IDN) untangles the range of theories and arguments that have developed around IDN over the past three decades.

Looking back over the past 30 years of theorizing around interactivity, storytelling, and the digital across the fields of game design/game studies, media studies, and narratology, as well as interactive documentary and other emerging forms, this text offers important and insightful correctives to common misunderstandings that pervade the field. This book also changes the perspective on IDN by introducing a comprehensive conceptual framework influenced by cybernetics and cognitive narratology, addressing limitations of perspectives originally developed for legacy media forms. Applying its framework, the book analyzes successful works and lays out concrete design advice, providing instructors, students, and practitioners with a more precise and specific understanding of IDN.

This will be essential reading for courses in interactive narrative, interactive storytelling, and game writing, as well as digital media more generally.”

+infos(oficial): LINK

onde consta..
“Homo ludens presenta diferentes posiciones respecto al videojuego yplantea preguntas que obligan a poner en cuestión nuestras certezas. Adiferencia de otras exposiciones sobre el tema, basadas en aspectoshistóricos, simbólicos y visuales, esta adopta una perspectiva crítica:invita al espectador a reflexionar y a tomar partido, al tiempo quemuestra todas las interpretaciones y potencialidades de los videojuegos:desde su impacto en el mundo del arte, la computación y la ciencia a losindie games que aportan visiones alternativas que permiten romperestigmas y estereotipos y contribuir a la aparición de una nuevasensibilidad social o medioambiental.”

+infos(oficial): LINK

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