Proposals Submission Deadline: June 15, 2017
Full Chapters Due: October 15, 2017
Submission Date: January 15, 2018
Contemporary education is increasingly being involved with technological resources in order to meet the needs of emerging generations, changing the way people teach and learn. In this context, the area of Digital Educational Games and Game-Based Learning is an research field that has evolved in recent years, with initiatives in different domains and in diverse immersive platforms/devices and three-dimensional environments that support the creation of applications to improve teaching and learning processes.
This handbook aims to meet the challenge of providing teachers, researchers and institutions with discussions and examples on how to adopt these new methods and applications supported with information technology tools and resources successfully, focusing on the area of Digital Educational Games and Game-based learning in 3D or immersive environments. The aim is to reach into research trends that are appearing, in order to show innovations that can be used and the results that can be found, disseminating and valorizing well succeed approaches and incentivizing the scientific community into filling the research gaps.
The topics covered in this book seek to cover the introduction of new pedagogical practices in all levels and modalities of education, instigating readers to assimilate proposals that have been implemented and to replicate this knowledge in their institutions and researchers worldwide.
This comprehensive and timely publication aims to be an essential reference source, disseminating knowledge on the available literature in the field of Immersive and Digital Educational Games, with the objective of showing applications in this area integrated with educational, cognitive and affective theories and computer resources that are being used to support contemporary instructional methods.
Target Audience
The target audience for this handbook is broad, ranging from teachers, pre-service teachers, students and university researchers of interdisciplinary areas to the academic world in general. This publication seeks to cover topics related to Immersive and Digital Educational Games and other approaches interconnected to this area that can be used together, thus seeking to attract readers to explore the researches presented, its benefits, disadvantages and forms of applying.
Recommended Topics
Contributors are welcome to submit chapters on the following topics relating to Game-Based Learning use, implementation and adoption in different modalities of education:
– Digital educational games and its integration with learning theories
– Gamified immersive environments and virtual worlds
– Digital serious games in education
– Virtual reality applied to Game-Based Learning
– Intelligent pedagogical agents in digital educational games
– Affective aspects involved in digital educational games
– 3D virtual laboratories and simulations for education
– Methods of evaluation and assessment in digital Game-Based Learning
– Usability for digital educational games and immersive environments
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before June 15, 2017, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by August 15, 2017 about the status of their proposals and be sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by October 15, 2017. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2018.
Important Dates
June 15, 2017: Proposal Submission Deadline
August 15, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
October 15, 2017: Full Chapter Submission
December 15, 2017: Review Results Returned
January 15, 2018: Final Chapter Submission
February 15, 2018: Final Deadline
//– português
*Call for Chapters – Handbook of Research on Immersive and Digital
Educational Games, a ser publicado pela editora IGI Global (em inglês).*
*Objetivo do Livro*
A publicação busca de forma abrangente e pontual ser uma fonte essencial de
referência, disseminando o conhecimento sobre a literatura disponível no
campo dos Jogos Educacionais Imersivos e Digitais, com o objetivo de
mostrar aplicações nesta área integradas com teorias educacionais,
cognitivas e afetivas e recursos computacionais que estão sendo utilizados
para apoiar métodos de ensino contemporâneos.
Professores, professores em formação, estudantes e pesquisadores
universitários de áreas interdisciplinares até o mundo acadêmico em geral.
Esta publicação procura abranger tópicos relacionados a Jogos Educacionais
Imersivos e Digitais e outras abordagens interconectadas a esta área que
possam ser utilizadas em conjunto, buscando atrair leitores para explorar
as pesquisas apresentadas, suas vantagens e desvantagens, bem como formas
de aplicação.
*Tópicos recomendados (mas não limitados):*
Contribuintes são bem-vindos para enviar capítulos sobre os seguintes
tópicos relacionados com o uso da Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos e Ambientes
imersivos, com implementação e adoção em diferentes modalidades de ensino:
Jogos educacionais digitais e sua integração com teorias de aprendizagem
Ambientes imersivos gamificados e mundos virtuais
Jogos sérios digitais na educação
Realidade virtual aplicada à Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos
Agentes pedagógicos inteligentes em jogos educativos digitais
Aspectos afetivos envolvidos em jogos educativos digitais
Laboratórios virtuais 3D e simulações para educação
Métodos de avaliação formativa e somativa na Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos
Usabilidade para jogos educacionais digitais e ambientes imersivos
*Procedimento para Submissão*
*Pesquisadores e profissionais são convidados a apresentar até 15 de junho
de 2017, uma proposta de capítulo de 1-2 páginas explicando claramente a
missão e as preocupações do seu capítulo proposto.* Os autores das
propostas aceitas serão notificados até 15 de agosto de 2017 sobre o status
das mesmas e receberão as diretrizes para envio dos capítulos completos.
Esses devem ser enviados até o dia 15 de outubro de 2017. Todos os
capítulos enviados serão revisados em uma base de revisão por pares no
formato blind-review. Os autores das propostas também podem ser convidados
a atuar como revisores para este projeto. *Tanto a proposta de capítulo
quanto o capítulo em si devem ser enviadas em inglês.*
*Mais informações:*