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Call For Papers for the 2020 Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames)
Arts & Design Track Submission deadline is July 31st, 2020 for papers and August 15th, 2020 for design cases. The Arts & Design track focuses on receiving research papers related to the design, production, expression, and enjoyment of digital games … Continue reading
Posted in events/conferences, investigação, submit articles, videojogos
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Call for Paper: [Information] Special Issue–“Advances in Mobile Gaming and Games-based Leaning”
We cordially invite you to submit a manuscript for consideration and possible publication in a Special Issue on “Advances in Mobile Gaming and Games-based Leaning” to be published in an EI, ESCI and Scopus-indexed open access journal Information ( The … Continue reading
ARTECH 2019 – chamada de trabalhos, em Portugal
O evento ARTECH 2019, que vai decorrer no norte do nosso país, está com um open call de trabalhos Authors are invited to submit papers from all areas related to digital art, but also art installations, interactive art or media … Continue reading
XII Semana de Gestão – ESGT/IPT; Call for Papers
CALL FOR PAPERS XII Semana de Gestão – Escola Superior de Gestão de Tomar (ESGT) / Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT) 4 a 6 de Abril 2017 (Comunicações: 5 de Abril; consultar separador Comunicações), IPT – Tomar, Portugal Serão selecionados … Continue reading
off-topic: de um ex-professor :) Professor Hakikur Rahman :)
********************* CALL FOR PAPERS ********************* SUBMISSION DUE DATE: August 30, 2013 International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association Editor-in-Chief: Hakikur Rahman Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic … Continue reading