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Tag Archives: book
Livro: The Structure of Game Design
A Springer tem uma série de livros “International Series on Computer, Entertainment and Media Technology” que este ano vai publicar o livro “The Structure of Game Design” com as secções de: Part I Front Matter Creating a Game Idea Defining … Continue reading
Fifty Key Video Games, o livro
Gostava de ter acesso a este livro “Fifty Key Video Games” editado por Bernard Perron, Kelly Boudreau, Mark J.P. Wolf, Dominic Arsenault Do conteúdo consta: “This volume examines fifty of the most important video games that have contributed significantly to … Continue reading
Live Visuals, o livro
Gostava de ter acesso a este livro: Live Visuals, History, Theory, Practice dos editores BySteve Gibson, Stefan Arisona, Donna Leishman, Atau Tanaka “This volume surveys the key histories, theories and practice of artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, architects and technologists that … Continue reading
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Da apresentação do livro “Code as Creative Medium: A Handbook for Computational Art and Design de Golan Levin, Tega Brain” em que: “An essential guide for teaching and learning computational art and design: exercises, assignments, interviews, and more than 170 … Continue reading
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A autora Marina Umaschi Bers lançou mais um livro acerca de crianças e pelo facto delas aprenderem a escrever código, com o titulo “Beyond Coding HOW CHILDREN LEARN HUMAN VALUES THROUGH PROGRAMMING” e que tem como conteúdo: 1 Coding, Robotics, … Continue reading
Livros a ler…
Minor Platforms in Videogame History de Benjamin Nicoll Videogame history is not just a history of one successful technology replacing the next. It is also a history of platforms and communities that never quite made it; that struggled to make … Continue reading
Um livro a ler..
Encontrei este livro: “Why Video Games are Good for Your Soul” de James Paul Gee que parece ser interessante de se ler. Tentei obter informações acerca do índice do livro mas sem sucesso, contudo o o google books disponibiliza esta … Continue reading
Livro: Black Games Studies
Encontrei este livro Black Games Studies, por Lindsay Grace o resumo indica que: “Black Game Studies introduces the work of game makers from the African diaspora through academic scholarship, personal narratives and a catalog of works. It aims to provide … Continue reading
“Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Narrative Aesthetics in Video Games”
Foi publicado o livro com o titulo “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Narrative Aesthetics in Video Games“, em que: “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Narrative Aesthetics in Video Games, Edited By Deniz Denizel, Deniz Eyüce Sansal and Tuna Tetik Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Narrative Aesthetics … Continue reading