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Running a Successful Live Service Game Live Outside of Game Updates de Sergei Vasiuk
“This book unveils the secrets of extraordinarily successful games and hands you a smarter way to create exceptional engagement and convert it into revenue. It teaches you detailed LiveOps techniques that show you how to keep your game appealing through engaging events, personalized experiences, and smart monetization.
You’ll discover the “3 LAPs of Operations” framework—a dynamic, question-driven process that you can implement to systematically boost retention and achieve your game’s financial goals. The book delves into the intricate business of live service games, explaining how to enhance your operational efficiency with precise toolset implementations and analytics.
While some studio leaders merely talk about “riding the trend”, this approach is far too passive. Embrace the shift towards people-driven game development, where your players evolve from mere consumers into active co-creators. This transformation allows you to construct your own trend, known as People’s LiveOps, where you engage your most devoted fans and offer them opportunities to earn a living through their creations.
Essential for professionals in live service games, this book is also invaluable for aspiring talents and seasoned experts aiming to enter or excel in the gaming industry.

Chapter One. A Brief History of Video Games.
Chapter Two. Introduction to Live Service Games.
Chapter Three. Video Game Value Creation.
Chapter Four. Generating Added Value.
Chapter Five. Creating Player’s Path.
Chapter Six. The Three LAPs of Operations.
Chapter Seven. Acquisition.
Chapter Eight. Engagement.
Chapter Nine. Monetization.
Chapter Ten. Events.
Chapter Eleven. Personalization.
Chapter Twelve. Operations Management.
Chapter Thirteen. Toolset.
Chapter Fourteen. Analytics.
Chapter Fifteen. May I Have Your Attention Please?
Chapter Sixteen. Attention Ecosystem.
Chapter Seventeen. Game as a Platform.

+infos(oficial): LINK

Traveling through Video Games de Tom van Nuenen
“This book unlocks an understanding of video games as virtual travel. It explains how video game design increasingly takes cues from the promotional language of tourism, and how this connection raises issues of power and commodification.
Bridging the disciplinary gap between game and tourism studies, the book offers a comprehensive account of touristic gazing in games such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Minecraft, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Traveling through video games involves a mythological promise of open-ended opportunity, summarized in the slogan you can go there. Van Nuenen discusses the scale of game worlds, the elusive nature of freedom and control, and the pivotal role of work in creating a sense of belonging. The logic of tourism is fundamentally consumptive—but through design choices, players can also be invited to approach their travels more critically. This is the difference between moving through a game world, and being moved by it.
This interdisciplinary and innovative study will interest students and scholars of digital media studies, game studies, tourism and technology, and the Digital Humanities..

1. Introduction
2. It’s All Under Control
3. King of the Sandbox
4. Bigger on the Inside
5. You Can Stay Here
6. When Here Becomes There
7. Conclusion.

+infos(oficial): LINK

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Game Studies Starter Kit

Uma lista de conferência que se vão realizar ao longo dos próximos tempos e partilhada pela comunidade. Esta lista é atualizada também e com apoio da DiGRA CEE (Digital Games Research Association: Central and Eastern Europe)

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Storytelling for Spatial Computing and Mixed Reality – The Art of Augmenting Imagination de Rob Morgan
“EThis is a clear, accessible manual of storytelling techniques and learning activities for spatial computing, augmented reality and mixed reality. It covers the key skills that the next generation of digital storytellers will need, providing readers with practical tools for creating digital stories and adventures out in the real world.

Drawing on more than a decade of experience, veteran immersive storyteller Rob Morgan provides strategies and techniques for augmenting players and places with digital narrative. Readers will try out key ideas through a range of practical exercises, building up their own portfolio of augmented/spatial narrative projects.

Storytelling for Spatial Computing and Mixed Reality provides insight on everything from narrative pacing to conditional and emergent storytelling for augmented/spatial technology. Each chapter addresses key questions about the affordances – and ethics – of augmenting players’ realities, helping students and practitioners explore this new storytelling frontier.

This book will be invaluable to students of game design, experience design and interactive narrative. It provides theories, best practices and case studies also relevant to creative professionals in games, XR, immersive theatre, theme parks and brand experience.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

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Wargames According to Mark de Mark Hermann
“I am delighted to write a second foreword to Mark Herman’s book, even if I’m playing the proverbial second fiddle to Jim Dunnigan, who mentored Mark at Simulations Publications, Inc. (SPI) and played a huge role in sucking me into the Wargaming hobby and, ultimately, the wacky world of professional Wargaming. Although I knew of Mark from those early SPI days, I did not have the pleasure of meeting him until a game convention (Avaloncon, if I remember correctly) back in the late 1980s. I was working on my own book about Wargaming and went to the con primarily to meet Mark and ask him if I could set up a time to interview him for my own research. His very gentlemanly agreement led to a long-term friendship and even a professional collaboration, on our game War in the China Sea, created for the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon.

Working on that game with Mark gave me a chance to see firsthand how he started the process of designing a game. It was much like a whirlwind. Butcher paper and marker pens; a sketch map and a buckets-of-dice combat system. Not quite mixing paint for Picasso, but as close as I ever came to such an experience.

This book can give you a taste of that experience. It is a no-holds-barred dive into the mind of a true wargame-design master. Mark does not claim to provide here any sort of “right way” to design an historical wargame; instead, he focuses on describing his own approach, philosophy, and thinking about how he designs historical wargames. And that is really the heart of the matter. Mark is an historian, first, and his games concentrate on presenting the historical narrative—not only the paths actually taken in reality but also (and more importantly) the “envelope” of paths that could have been taken.

In the process, he discusses his views about the core ideas needed to translate that historical envelope into a game system that offers its players agency in the context of their simulated roles. Look at the table of contents. He starts with a brief description of his early background in the Wargaming business. Then he quickly presents a series of chapters ranging from how he uses “smoke and mirrors” (design tricks) to distill history into a playable representation of the key options facing historical commanders and presenting those options for players to decide among them, to the core elements in the toolbox, from the sequence of play to the adjudication of combat results. Throughout, he uses examples from his huge body of wargame designs to illustrate and illuminate his thinking.

If you are a fan of historical wargames—and especially of Mark’s games—you will find, as I did, that these mini stories are fascinating glimpses into the workings of one of the most creative and prolific wargame design minds since Dunnigan himself. And one of the most thoughtful and insightful. His ideas will help you understand better not only his own games, but also all historical wargames. And I would be greatly surprised if they did not inspire you to think about how you might find some of his ideas useful in your own wargaming, either as a player or as a designer. As he says at the end of his introduction, “I hope this book contributes to the community knowledge on how designing a game can be accomplished.” I think I can safely say that he achieved his goal.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

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Conferências ou jornals que são esquemas

Ficam aqui as minhas referências para conferências ou jornals que enviam sucessivos pedidos para eu publicar ou publicitar mas que depois acabo por descobrir que são esquemas. A experiência não é minha, apenas pesquisei sobre estes assuntos (https://beallslist.net/) e por esse motivo surgem aqui na listagem (a ordem não tem qualquer significado):

  • journal “Education & Language Studies” – potential predatory open-access publishers
  • Juniper Publishers – potential predatory open-access publishers
  • Academic Star Publishing Company academicstar.us – potential predatory open-access publishers
  • International Conference on Advances in Education & Social SciencesInternational Organization Center of Academic Research (OCERINT)
  • Ou de emails recebidos de:
      • Atena Editora noreply@atenaeditora.com
      • atenaeditora.com.br
      • editor.jpsir@onlinescientificresearch.net
      • onlinescientificresearch.net
      • editor4@revistacontemporanea.com
      • www.revistacontemporanea.com
      • openaccesspublications.org
      • Open Access Publications LLC
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Transforming Higher Education With Human-Centred Design editado por Radka Newton, Jean Mutton, Michael Doherty
“Encouraging a collaborative and thoughtful approach to the wicked problems facing higher education (HE), this book is a showcase of pioneering educators who believe that well-designed education is good for everyone – learners, teachers, education administrators, the learning organisation and the world.

Through case studies, thought pieces and practical advice, this book takes a fresh look at the application of Design Thinking and Service Design in a variety of university contexts. Human-centred design perspectives show up the fact that decades of rhetoric about student-centred learning have often left the student still effectively marginalised from change processes. The reader will encounter ample tools and techniques of design and co-creation that can enhance the student experience, from applicant to alumnus. More importantly, the book sets out, in actionable ways, how we can make our universities more effective at supporting students for success, and to become places where people are more empowered to make those changes.

University academics, learning support staff, managers and professional staff, as well as HE policy makers and professional bodies, will appreciate this clear and practical guide to exploring service design in the new context of education.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

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+infos(oficial): https://www.scimagojr.com/

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Meeple Centred Design

Um post de um académico acerca de jogos de tabuleiro e acessibilidade deste tipo de formato de artefactos. Com o titulo “Meeple Centred Design: A Heuristic Toolkit for Evaluating the Accessibility of Tabletop Game” por Michael Heron.

Um resumo: “O artigo “Meeple Centred Design: A Heuristic Toolkit for Evaluating the Accessibility of Tabletop Games” apresenta uma metodologia desenvolvida por Michael Heron e colegas para avaliar a acessibilidade dos jogos de tabuleiro. Esta abordagem, denominada “Meeple Centred Design”, propõe um conjunto de heurísticas que analisam diferentes dimensões da acessibilidade nos jogos, incluindo:

  • Acessibilidade visual: Considera questões relacionadas com a visão, como daltonismo e deficiências visuais.
  • Acessibilidade cognitiva: Avalia a complexidade do jogo e a carga cognitiva exigida dos jogadores.
  • Acessibilidade emocional: Examina como o jogo pode afetar emocionalmente os participantes, considerando fatores como frustração e stress.
  • Acessibilidade física: Analisa os requisitos físicos para manipular componentes e interagir com o jogo.
  • Comunicação: Observa as procuras de comunicação entre os jogadores e como isso pode impactar a experiência.
  • Acessibilidade socioeconômica: Considera aspetos como custo do jogo e representatividade cultural.
  • Acessibilidade interseccional: Avalia como diferentes fatores de acessibilidade podem interagir e afetar a experiência de jogo.

O objetivo principal é fornecer uma ferramenta prática para designers, editores e jogadores avaliarem e melhorarem a acessibilidade dos jogos de tabuleiro, promovendo uma experiência mais inclusiva para todos os participantes.”

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Graphic Design for Board Games de Daniel Solis
“Board games are increasingly recognized as an artform of their own, but their design and aesthetics are just as important as their gameplay mechanics. In this handbook, art director and graphic designer Daniel Solis offers his 20+ years of expertise in graphic design in tabletop gaming.
With a sense of humor, plenty of examples, and simple tips, Graphic Design for Board Games covers everything from typography to retail presence. Learn how to effectively use graphic design elements to enhance player experience. Create stunning game components, clear rulebooks, and effective game boards that will keep players engaged.

Key Features:
Highlights unique challenges and solutions of graphic design for board games
Includes commentary from over a dozen board game graphic designers
Explains complex concepts with numerous visual examples
Trains designers to incorporate heuristics, accessibility, and semiotics
Newcomers will learn introductory concepts of visual communication. Intermediate designers will find ways to anticipate common visual obstacles and improve playtest results. Experienced veterans will find insightful comments shared by fellow professionals.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

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Demystifying Creativity On Originality in Game Development de Fawzi Mesmar
“This book is a study of the psychology, neuroscience and philosophy of creativity, originality and inspiration viewed from the lens of a seasoned game developer. It introduces the concept of creative sobriety, a practice that advocates better understanding our own sources of inspiration so that we can intellectually drive our creative voice closer to originality.
The creative process is not just a methodical sequence of steps – it’s organic in its nature. It’s an improvised dance between the conscious and the subconscious mind, where knowledge, experience, intuition, observation, imagination and projection meet in ways that are completely unique to each person. Presenting practical and theoretical approaches to originality and game concept generation, the book begins by offering a definition of creativity and exploring the notion of creative sobriety. It then moves on to chapters that blend theory and practice, covering topics such as innovation, the creative process, auteurship, collaboration, and creative vision.
Written by award-winning Creative Director and Game Designer Fawzi Mesmar, this book will be of great interest to students of game design and creative professionals working within industry, as well as those looking to learn more about the creative process.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

Video Games, Crime, and Control Getting Played de Kevin F. Steinmetz, Jonathan A. Grubb
“Discussing the state of play in contemporary popular culture, specifically the role of crime and crime control in the video game medium, this book discusses the criminological importance of video games.
Pulling together an international group of scholars from Brazil, Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, this edited volume analyzes a wide range of noteworthy video games, including Bioshock, Death Stranding, Diablo 2, Beat Cop, The Last of Us, Disco Elysium, Red Dead Redemption, P.T., Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and Grand Theft Auto. The book thus seeks to advance dialog on video games as important cultural artifacts containing significant insights regarding dominant perceptions, interests, anxieties, contradictions, and other matters of criminological interest.
Covering policing, vigilantism, different forms of violence, genocide, mental illness, and criminological theory, Video Games, Crime, and Control will be of great interest to students and scholars of Criminology, Media Studies, and Sociology, specifically those focusing on Game Studies and Cultural Criminology.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

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Introduction to Game Programming using Processing For Designers, Artists, Players, Non-Tech People and Everybody Else de Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath
“This is an introductory textbook focusing on games (specifically interaction and graphics) as a pathway into programming. It empowers readers to do basic programming, prototyping, game creation, and other highly interactive applications, all from scratch and without any prior programming knowledge.
Using the popular programming language Processing, this book describes, explains, and demonstrates the basic and general programming principles and mechanisms used in typical game algorithms and concrete game projects. Chapters cover basic graphics, text output, loops, data types and variables, movement, time, audio and sound, debugging, classes and objects, event-based programming, real-time input controls, computer speed compensation, animation, tiling, scrolling, collision detection, basic AI, and much more. Additional support materials such as code examples and demo programs are available to download from the book’s webpage: dace.de/gameswithprocessing
This book is a great resource for students and aspiring professionals looking for an approachable entry into game programming.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

Museums and the History of Computing Objects, Narratives and Practice editado por Simone Natale, Petrina Foti, Ross Parry
“Museums and the History of Computing examines the critical role that cultural organizations, such as museums and galleries, play in shaping ‘digital heritage’: the cultural heritage surrounding computer technology.
Focusing on digital technologies as objects and practices that museums collect, exhibit, and preserve for the future, this book highlights how and why museums play a crucial role in preserving the rich heritage of the digital world, constructing powerful narratives that help make it relevant to the public. It demonstrates that the museum can be a powerful means of safeguarding and interpreting ephemeral and continually changing digital technology, offering new pathways for rethinking the very meaning of digital objects and practices in contemporary societies. It provides practices and strategies for the preservation and exhibition of computing artifacts and ways to accommodate and respond to narratives about histories of computing that circulate in the public arena. Bringing together leading museum and university researchers and practitioners, and mobilizing cross-cutting debates and approaches in areas such as museum studies, cultural heritage, history of technology, anthropology, and media studies, this book challenges us to think critically about what ‘digital’ is when examined not only as a tool but as a cultural object deserving of attention and a place within the museum.
Museums and the History of Computing is for museum studies students and researchers as well as museum practitioners – especially those with an interest in digital technology and heritage. It will be of interest to researchers and students interested in histories of computing and digital media and in digital media studies.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

Designing Games Meant for Sharing de Ioana-Iulia Cazacu
“This book talks about the importance of social mechanics in games and how these mechanics evolved over time to accommodate new technologies and new social contexts. It looks at the innovation happening in the field of new-age social games, discussing in detail what has been learnt from designing for the younger generation, how these findings can inform game design philosophy and how this can be applied to game development more broadly.
Part 1 of this book provides a brief history of games as social interaction and discusses the differences between online and offline social gaming. Part 2 covers Facebook social gaming and design lessons from first-generation social games. Part 3 introduces design philosophies for the hyper-social genre and includes an important chapter on design ethics. Finally, Part 4 looks ahead to the future of social games and how game designers can incorporate learnings from this book in their own work.
This book will appeal to game designers and students of game design looking to learn how to apply learnings from social game design in their own games.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

Introduction to Game Analysis de Clara Fernández-Vara
“This accessible, third edition textbook gives students the tools they need to analyze games, using strategies borrowed from textual analysis.
As game studies has become an established academic field, writing about games needs the language and methods that allow authors to reflect the complexity of a game and how it is played in a cultural context. This volume provides readers with an overview of the basic building blocks of game analysis—examination of context, content and distinctive features, and formal qualities—as well as the vocabulary necessary to talk about the distinguishing characteristics of a game. Examples are drawn from a range of games, non-digital and digital, and across history—from Pong to Fortnite—and the book includes a variety of examples and sample analysis, as well as a wealth of additional sources to continue exploring the field of game studies. This third edition revision brings the book firmly up to date, pulling in new examples and sources, and incorporating current key topics in this dynamic field, such as artificial intelligence and game streaming.
Introduction to Game Analysis remains an essential practical tool for students who want to become fluent writers and informed critics of games, as well as digital media in general.”
+infos(oficial): LINK

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