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Tag Archives: conferencia edu
11th INTED conference – Valencia (Spain)
The scope of INTED2017 includes the following topics: ?General Issues Education and Globalization Organizational, legal and financial issues Diversity issues and women and minorities in science and technology Barriers to Learning (e.g.: age, psychosocial factors, ethnicity…) Digital divide and access … Continue reading
El Simposio solicita contribuciones de calidad que presenten trabajos originales de Informática Educativa relacionadas con los temas de interés. Las contribuciones pueden ser de dos categorías: comunicaciones y comunicaciones breves. Las contribuciones pueden redactarse en español, portugués o inglés. Todas … Continue reading
ATEE Conference 2016: Educating the Best Teachers: a challenge for Teacher Education
ATEE Conference 2016: Educating the Best Teachers: a challenge for Teacher Education 22- 24 August 2016 – Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven, The Netherlands The 41st Annual ATEE Conference focuses on the important task of teacher education to educate … Continue reading
END 2016 Conference
We would like to inform that a 2nd Call for Abstracts of the END 2016 – International Conference on Education and New Developments 2016 has been issued (only for new submissions), so abstracts can be submitted until 29 of February, … Continue reading
Global Learn 2016 Ireland (edu)
INVITATION Global Learn — Global Conference on Learning and Technology is an online conference, organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). TOPICS The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following … Continue reading
10th INTED conference (edu)
The scope of INTED2016, 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, includes the following topics: General Issues Education and Globalization Organizational, legal and financial issues Diversity issues and women and minorities in science and technology Barriers to Learning (e.g.: … Continue reading
10th INTED conference
INTED is one of the largest international education conference for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector. After 10 years, it has become a reference event where more than 700 experts from 80 countries get together every year … Continue reading
ICERI2015: Abstract Submission Extension: 30th July 2015
8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation ICERI is one of the largest international education conference for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational private and public sectors. After 8 years, it has become a reference event … Continue reading
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I Workshop de Jogos Educativos Digitais Interdisciplinares (JEDI´2015)
I WORKSHOP DE JOGOS EDUCATIVOS DIGITAIS INTERDISCIPLINARES (JEDI) Atenção para extensão de prazo: 26 de Julho de 2015 Site do workshop: Facebook: * SOBRE O WORKSHOP * A utilização da interdisciplinaridade como forma de desenvolver um trabalho de … Continue reading
TISE 2015 , XX Conferência Internacional sobre Informática na Educação
TISE 2015, XX Conferência Internacional sobre Informática na Educação, Santiago, Chile, 1, 2 e 3 de Dezembro, 2015 ORGANIZA – Centro de Computación y Comunicación para la Construcción del Conocimiento, C5, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Facultad de … Continue reading
Posted in events/conferences
Tagged conferencia edu, edu conference, TISE, TISE 2015
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