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Tag Archives: access to your article
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Video Games and Adaptation: An Introduction de Tatjana Ristić e Darjan Kubik do resumo consta: “The main idea of the paper is to analyse the relation of video games and adaptation both synchronically and diachronically. The synchronic aspect of the … Continue reading
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SonifyIt: Towards Transformative Sound for All Robots Brian J. Zhang; Noel Sigafoos; Rabecka Moffit; Ibrahim Syed; Lili S. Adams; Jason Fick; Naomi T. Fitter do resumo consta: Transformative robot sound yields perceptual, functional, and social benefits in human-robot interactions, but … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso a estes artigos: Nintendo® WII? For the Elderly, Yes! : Contributions to a Better Inclusion and Quality of Life for the Elderly “Video games are aimed at a younger audience, however, with this study we intend … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso a este artigo: “Using Simple Design features to Recapture the Essence of Real-Time Strategy Games” de Hsuan MIN Wang; Chia-Yuan Hou; Chuen-Tsai Sun Abstract: eal-time strategy (RTS) games simulate battlefield leadership and tactical and strategic operations. … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso/access to your article: Lankoski, P. & Björk, S. (eds.) (2015). Game Research Methods: An Overview. ETC Press. +infos(editora): LINK Lankoski, P. & Holopainen, J. (eds.) (2017). Game Design Research: An introduction to theory & practice. ETC … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso/access to your article: Computers and Creativity. Editors: McCormack, Jon, d’Inverno, Mark (Eds.) +infos(oficial):
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Gostava de ter acesso/access to your article: S. Wu, “The Development and Challenges of Computational Thinking Board Games,” 2018 1st International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Okinawa, 2018, pp. 129-131. Savvani S., Liapis A. (2019) A Participatory Approach to Redesigning Games … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso/access to your article, Kosa M., Spronck P. (2019) Towards a Tabletop Gaming Motivations Inventory (TGMI). In: Zagalo N., Veloso A., Costa L., Mealha Ó. (eds) Videogame Sciences and Arts. VJ 2019. Communications in Computer and Information … Continue reading
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procuro aceder ao paper/i would like to have access to this article: Super Mario Seriality: Nintendo’s Narratives and Audience Targeting within the Video Game Console Industry “At the conclusion of Super Mario Bros. (1986), the archetypal side-scrolling platform game, the … Continue reading
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procuro aceder ao paper/i would like to have access to this article: Developing the STEM Experience for In-Service Primary Teachers through Micro-controlling Hardware and Coding “This paper presents the design and implementation of a technological literacy course in professional development … Continue reading