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S. Wu, “The Development and Challenges of Computational Thinking Board Games,” 2018 1st International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Okinawa, 2018, pp. 129-131.
Savvani S., Liapis A. (2019) A Participatory Approach to Redesigning Games for Educational Purposes. In: Liapis A., Yannakakis G., Gentile M., Ninaus M. (eds) Games and Learning Alliance. GALA 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11899. Springer, Cham
Use of a board game format to promote interprofessional learning. Heather Schmucka, Mary KayArvinb
Peter Drake and Kelvin Sung. 2011. Teaching introductory programming with popular board games. In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (SIGCSE ’11). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 619–624. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/1953163.1953338
Wang, H., Chen, W., & Sun, C. (2020). Play Teaches Learning?: A Pilot Study on How Gaming Experience Influences New Game Learning. In P. Isaias, & K. Blashki (Eds.), Interactivity and the Future of the Human-Computer Interface (pp. 147-168). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2637-8.ch008

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