Encontrei este livro Black Games Studies, por Lindsay Grace
o resumo indica que:
“Black Game Studies introduces the work of game makers from the African diaspora through academic scholarship, personal narratives and a catalog of works. It aims to provide a foundation from which researchers, designers, developers, game historians and others can draw an understanding of patterns, present practice, and a potential afro-future. Its works to make more visible, through aggregation and showcase, the creative contributions of Black game makers. It is an effort to meet the need to diversify the game-making community by not only highlighting the work of Black people, but in creating an enduring archive of such work.”
Tem como secções:
An Introduction to Black Games, Blackness in Games, and Otherness
An overview of Games Made by Black Game Makers
Games about Location
Black Analog Game Designers
An Autobiography of Ehdrigohr
On Procedural Rhetoric and Designing Black Like Me
The Black Game Maker’s Experience
Overview on Personal Narratives
..mais informo que o livro (pdf) é gratuito!
+infos(oficial): LINK