Um desvio para falar de videojogos..
“The Digital Games Research Section wants to extend the call to all scholars working in game studies. The section invites contributions dealing with digital games as cultural objects, digital gaming as a social practice, digital games as media for communication and related topics. Particular interest goes to understanding the cultural, psychological and sociological implications of digital gaming and of digital games as cultural objects and mass-market products, as well as serious applications of digital games. The section offers an interdisciplinary platform for exploring the impact and meaning of game culture(s). We welcome contributions dealing with topics traditionally associated with specific fields such as communication, but also humanities, media psychology, education science, economics and others. We deliberately aim for both qualitative and quantitative work in the belief that both deserve equal attention and are able to reinforce one another. We employ an inclusive definition of digital games as any game played on any digital device and explicitly do not limit the scope for submissions in this regard. The call is open for works dealing with both more traditional forms of digital gaming, ranging from nostalgia and retro gaming to newer innovations such as virtual reality, augmented reality, or location-based games.”
See the full call at
Deadline for abstracts is January 15, 2020.