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Category Archives: events/conferences
Conferências ou jornals que são esquemas
Ficam aqui as minhas referências para conferências ou jornals que enviam sucessivos pedidos para eu publicar ou publicitar mas que depois acabo por descobrir que são esquemas. A experiência não é minha, apenas pesquisei sobre estes assuntos ( e por … Continue reading
SBGAMES 2023: algumas das palestras..
Fica aqui a referência a algumas das palestras do evento SBGAMES 2023 +infos(you2be): LINK +infos(oficial): LINK
18th European Conference on Games Based Learning(ECGBL 2024)
“Over the last ten years, the way in which education and training is delivered has changed considerably with the advent of new technologies. One such new technology that holds considerable promise for helping to engage learners is Games-Based Learning (GBL). … Continue reading
Playful by Design International Conference 2024
Acerca do evento Playful by Design International Conference 2024, “This international conference comes after the successful holding of the first event simply named Playful by Design, held in January 2023 at the ISLA-Gaia facilities in a partnership between Universidade Lusófona, … Continue reading
Acta Ludologica
Acta Ludologica (ISSN 2585-8599, e-ISSN 2585-9218) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice a year in both online and print versions. It focuses on the comprehensive discourse of games and digital games, including theoretical and empirical studies, research results, … Continue reading
Evento “Speed Talks acerca de jogos de tabuleiro modernos”
Vai decorrer no próximo dia 18 de novembro um dia para falar acerca do uso de jogos de tabuleiro modernos. O evento vai decorrer no anfiteatro da Lufapo HUB em Coimbra e do do programa consta: Speed Talks – 10h … Continue reading
RIDE2024: Research in Distance Education 2024
RIDE2024: Research in Distance Education 2024 “Online, blended, and digital education are firmly established in mainstream practice in higher education. We expect that learning can take place everywhere, and that we can learn anything; but, faced with so many possibilities, … Continue reading
Seminário de Ensino de Videojogos e a Conferência Videojogos’23
Seminário de Ensino de Videojogos e a Conferência Videojogos’23 “28-30 de Novembro de 2023 porque a 13ª edição Videojogos regressa novamente num moliceiro sob inspiração marítima, sendo adocicada por receitas divinas na Universidade de Aveiro. A data para submissão dos … Continue reading
Conference Culture and Computer Science
“Call for Papers KuI 2023 To this day, our understanding of technology has been shaped by the idea of industrialisation as progress that makes our daily life safer and easier, but at the same time more diverse. In our post-digital … Continue reading
4th International Computer Programming Education Conference
” We encourage everyone to submit novel and innovative work in areas including but not limited to: Computer programming standardization and interoperability – Programming language concepts and methodologies – Programming exercises standards and specifications – E-learning Data analytics – Learning … Continue reading