24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems
The Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) is the premier conference in Australasia for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical, organizational, business, and social issues in the
application of Information Technology. In 2013, the ACIS Conference will be hosted by the School of Business Information Technology and Logistics at RMIT University. The event will take place at the City Campus of the University in the new Swanston Academic Building from 4-6 December, 2013. The Swanston Academic Building is located right in the middle of Melbourne’s CBD.
Conference Theme: Information Systems: Transforming the Future
Information systems is a discipline that is built on the foundations of other disciplines bringing together information technology, management, business, sociology, cognitive science and a host of elements from elsewhere. This gives it the breadth of knowledge and capabilities to place it on the leading edge of the many transformations of the future that the 21st century has already started to see. Three areas in which these transformations will be of particular interest and relevance are:
Transforming Business
Despite change in the business world being driven by information technology since the 60s, it seems inevitable that business will be transformed dramatically over the next generation by the use of information technology. The information systems discipline is strategically placed to be a leader in that transformation.
Transforming Education
Information systems academics have been leading the way in the use of the Web and social media for the last 20 years and with the advent of the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), information systems academics can continue to be at the forefront of using information systems in tertiary education.
Transforming the Discipline
Information systems academics are not immune to the need to transform the future. The discipline needs to adopt the process and the pace of social media and move to be on the Internet time as opposed to the traditionally scholarly time and use the capabilities provided by the Internet to extend and develop the discipline as a community.
Conference Tracks
The conference will be organized into the following tracks and though we encourage submissions that focus on one of these areas, we are open to submissions in other areas:
• Health Information Systems
• The Past, Present and Future of the Information Systems Discipline
• Innovation in the Digital Economy
• Social Information Systems/Social Informatics
• Business Analytics
• Social Media and Social Networks in Organizations
• Information Systems Education
• Digital Business including E-Business, E-Government and etc
• Green Information Systems and Sustainability
• Knowledge Management and Information Systems
• Emerging Technologies: The Cloud, Ubiquity and Mobility
• Information Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management
• Enterprise Systems
• Information Systems Development
• Information Systems and Theory
Submission Types & Format
We seek to engage the Australasian IS academic community by encouraging the following submissions:
• Research Papers
• Research In Progress Papers
• Teaching Cases
• Education Papers
• Position Papers
• Practitioner Reports
ACIS 2013 calls for original, unpublished submissions in English and these must be made via the ACIS 2013 submission system on the conference website at www.rmit.edu.au/acis2013 which also has information on paper
submission format and the review processes. All papers will be initially checked and those that fail to comply with the submission format will be automatically rejected. All submissions that are compliant will then undergo a double blind peer review process.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 26th July 2013
Notification of paper acceptance: 20th September 2013
ACIS Doctoral Consortium: 2nd & 3rd December 2013
ACIS Conference: 4th to 6th December 2013
General Chair: Professor Caroline Chan
Program Co-Chairs
Professor Hepu Deng and Professor Craig Standing
Organization Co-Chairs
Dr Martin Dick and Dr Vince Bruno
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
Professor Brian Corbitt, Professor Frada Burstein and Associate Professor Deborah Bunker
Conference Organizers
Dr John Pastoriza-Pinol, Ms. Lise Lateenmaa and Ms. Catarina Von Hertzen
Conference URL: http://www.rmit.edu.au/
Email: acis2013@rmit.edu.au