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Gostava de ter acesso a estes artigos: Nintendo® WII? For the Elderly, Yes! : Contributions to a Better Inclusion and Quality of Life for the Elderly “Video games are aimed at a younger audience, however, with this study we intend … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso a este artigo: “Do Real-Time Strategy Video Gamers Have Better Attentional Control?” Objective Do real-time strategy (RTS) video gamers have better attentional control? To examine this issue, we tested experienced versus inexperienced RTS video gamers on … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso a: “Studying interrelations of computational thinking and creativity: A scoping review (2011–2020)” de Rotem Israel-Fishelson, Arnon Hershkovitz do resumo surge: Both computational thinking (CT) and creativity have been recognized as key skills for today’s learners. Over … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso a este artigo: “Using Simple Design features to Recapture the Essence of Real-Time Strategy Games” de Hsuan MIN Wang; Chia-Yuan Hou; Chuen-Tsai Sun Abstract: eal-time strategy (RTS) games simulate battlefield leadership and tactical and strategic operations. … Continue reading
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Texto em livro: Artountabilzty: Art and Algorithmic Accountability de: PETER BOOTHI, LUCAS EVERSZ, EDUARD FOSCH VILLARONGA3, CHRISTOPH LUTZ, FIONA MCDERMOTT5, PIERA RICCIO6, VINCENT RIOUX7, ALAN M SEARSS, AURELIA TAMO-LARRIEUX9 e MARANKE WIERINGA Abstract: Given the complexity of the inner working … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso “Handbook on Interactive Storytelling” de Jouni Smed, Tomi ‘bgt’ Suovuo, Natasha Skult, e Petter Skult. “Electronic games are no longer considered “mere fluff” alongside the “real” forms of entertainment, like film, music, and television. Instead, many … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso a este livro: “Meeples Together How and Why Cooperative Games Work” de Christopher Allen and Shannon Appelcline +infos(oficial): LINK
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Tagged Gostava de ter acesso/access to your article, jogos de tabuleiro, livro
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“This encyclopedia collects and organizes theoretical and historical content on the topic of video games, covering the people, systems, technologies, and theoretical concepts as well as the games themselves. This two-volume encyclopedia addresses the key people, companies, regions, games, systems, … Continue reading
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Learning Java with Games de Xu, Chong-wei, 2018 “This innovative approach to teaching Java language and programming uses game design development as the method to applying concepts. Instead of teaching game design using Java, projects are designed to teach Java … Continue reading
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Gostava de ter acesso/access to your article: Lankoski, P. & Björk, S. (eds.) (2015). Game Research Methods: An Overview. ETC Press. +infos(editora): LINK Lankoski, P. & Holopainen, J. (eds.) (2017). Game Design Research: An introduction to theory & practice. ETC … Continue reading